Welcome to the ArthBit Market REST API documentation. This API (Application Programming Interface) will allow you to access the functionality of this exchange by means of HTTP requests, making integration with your own applications possible.
Usage :In order to use a public API method, you must make an HTTP request to the appropriate endpoint for that particular method.
Public API MethodsThese methods can be accessed without an account or API key.
The base endpoint is: https://api.arthbit.com
GET https://api.arthbit.com/v1/assets/
Response{ "status": "1", "message": "success", "assets": [ { "name": "DOGEcoin", "unified_cryptoasset_id": 9, "can_withdraw": true, "can_deposit": true, "min_withdraw": 15, "max_withdraw": 15000, "maker_fee": " 0.25", "taker_fee": " 0.25", "contractAddressUrl": "https://live.blockcypher.com/doge/address/doge", "contractAddress": "doge" } ] }
GET https://api.arthbit.com/v1/markets
Response{ "status": "1", "data": [ { "trading_pairs": "INR_BTC", "last_price": "2444212.34000000", "base_volume": "0", "quote_volume": "0", "lowest_ask": 2468654.4634, "highest_bid": 2419770.2166, "price_change_percent_24h": "-0.391", "highest_price_24h": "2521496.38", "lowest_price_24h": "2383153", "website_url": "https://www.api.arthbit.com/trade/BTC-INR" } ] }
GET https://api.arthbit.com/v1/ticker/
Response:{ "status": "1", "message": "success", "tickers": { "USDT_INR": { "base_id": "20818", "quote_id": "825", "last_price": "88.77336000", "quote_Volume": "999701022.789264", "base_volume": "2951.41219460", "isFrozen": 0 } } }
Response : { "status": "1", "asks": [ { "0": 0.5, "1": 2075027.78 } ], "bids": [ { "0": 0.5, "1": 2071787.3 } ] }
GET https://api.arthbit.com/v1/trades?market_pair=INR_BTC
Response:{ "status": "1", "message": "success", "data": [{ "Trade_id": 43, "Price": 2104861.715, "Type": "sell", "Time_stamp": "2023-05-04T14:17:04.000Z", "base_volume": "322214.29872000", "quote_volume": "8914020380.689585" }, { "Trade_id": 45, "Price": 2106770.3800000004, "Type": "buy", "Time_stamp": "2023-05-04T14:17:04.000Z", "base_volume": "322214.29872000", "quote_volume": "8914020380.689585" }] }
GET https://api.arthbit.com/v1/Single_trade_pair?market_pair=INR_TRX
Note :If you want give an another pair name and check above API
Response:[{ "status": 1, "responsecode": "success", "message": "Trade pair List Details", "data": [{ "trading_pairs": "INR_TRX", "last_price": "5.6465505", "volume": "49884550322.76", "highest_price": "5.7583548", "quote_volume": "54465.94071206", "lowest_price": "5.4541431000000005", "website_url": "https://www.arthbit.com/trade/TRX-INR" }] }]
GET https://api.arthbit.com/v1/single_trade_tickers?market_pair=INR_XRP
Note :If you want give an another pair name and check above API
Response:[ { "status": 1, "message": "success", "tickers": { "XRP_USDT": { "price": "0.37050000", "quoteVolume": "154919695.43690000", "isFrozen": 0 } } } ]